Decompression Adjustments in Orlando FL

Compression between your skull and the cervical vertebrae of your neck can irritate your brainstem, a key part of the human nervous system that controls many vital functions of life, such as sleep, blood pressure, consciousness, heart rate, and balance.
If you suffer from headaches, poor sleep, chronic shoulder issues, anxiety, or feel like your neck and body are “compressed”, you probably need decompression adjustments in Orlando FL. Commonly known as occipital lift adjustments, in the hands of a properly trained chiropractor, the benefits can be extremely beneficial.
How Our Orlando FL Chiropractor Can Help
In a 2019, Dr. Mike and 5 other expertyly trained chiropractors traveled to Recife, Brasil and delivered this powerful decompression adjustment to thousands of people. The results were amazing! Because releasing compression at the brainstem has so many beneficial effects throughout the entire body, the people reported huge increases in well being, improved mood, better sleep in addition to resolution of shoulder problems, knee issues, neck pain and elimination of headaches.
If you think Decompression adjustments might be right for you, contact Dr. Mike today to schedule a consult in Orlando FL. If you reside elsewhere, Dr. Mike and his team will find a chiropractor closer to you who may be able to help with this amazing chiropractic adjustment.
9:00am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
Dr within Chiropractic - Michael D. Young, D.C.
7733 Turkey Lake Rd
Orlando, FL 32819